OTEL UniverseUpdate14 Mar, 2024

Step Into Their Shoes Interview with Artist Tim Steinruck - I Have A Dream

Life can present us to a winding road that sometimes leads us in directions we never thought we would go.

In the world of music, the unexpected becomes a reality while the passion to bring a message that elicits a drive that can be beyond one's comprehension.

Meet Tim Steinruck, an incredible Indie Artist with drive and a conviction that when there is a will there is a way.

I remember sitting at the front of the bus while traveling across Canada writing in my journal and feeling so very alive. I was fully living my purpose. This is what I was born for. I finally felt like I was home after years of loneliness and the feeling of not belonging. Rebelliousness and defiance were my superpowers. When I stepped on stage I experienced a power unlike any other and I quickly fell in love with it.

The Mighty One TORCH OF ROCK AND ROLL Official video


I interviewed Tim for my Step Into Their Shoes series. You will be inspired by his tenacity and desire to be a trailblazer, helping others to follow their dreams too.

Read the full interview here: https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/i-have-a-dream/

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Source: Eileen Bild, OTEL Universe www.oteluniverse.com

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Commented 17 Mar, 2024

Thank you again for this illuminating interview

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