Attunement - A best friend, Reiki healing, a time of touch with my husband...the Holy Spirit has given me so many gifts. -
Character StudioArticle03 Jun, 2024

Attunement - A best friend, Reiki healing, a time of touch with my husband...the Holy Spirit has given me so many gifts. -

(Page of Swords & The High Priestess, vol.20) In 2006, Yukiko Shimada was still reading the “Text” of “A Course In Miracles” and felt that the content was so difficult that she wanted to ask many questions to the “ACIM” learners. One day, Yukiko gets her bag snatched in a snowy Central Park.

Previous story : Music Should Make Everyone Happy (6) - The Case of Nagiib Al-Jibril -

Page of Swords & The High Priestess, vol.20

Today I would like to begin by telling you a little about "A Course In Miracles".


1. This is a course in miracles. 2It is a required course. 3Only the time you take it is voluntary. 4Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. 5It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. 6The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.7It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. 8The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

2. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

2Nothing real can be threatened.

3Nothing unreal exists.

4Herein lies the peace of God.

These are the opening words of "A Course In Miracles". It was 1965. Helen Schucman was a PhD at Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Center, and she was an assistant professor of Freudian and medical psychology. And she was an atheist. That day, Helen Schucman was in a car with William Thetford, the dean of the Medicine. William Thetford, who was fed up with the angry words that flew around the faculty meeting that day, said to Helen Schucman:

There must be another way.

Helen Schucman simply replied that she would help him find that “another way". A short time later, this message came to Helen Schucman as an inner voice, beginning with “This is a course in miracles". She took it in shorthand and read it to William Thetford. He typed it up. It became popular among their colleagues and was proofread by Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, a clinical psychologist, in 1975. Dr. Judith Skutch of New York University then founded “The Foundation for Inner Peace” as an organization to publish it. Finally, in 1976, "A Course In Miracles" was published by "The Foundation for Inner Peace".

As to who the “Inner Voice” that reached Helen Schucman was, it is understood that it was probably Jesus Christ. In fact, the Text of "A Course In Miracles" is in several places like a commentary on the Synoptic Gospels.

According to this summary, the purpose of the course is to remove what is preventing the “awareness of love's presence". You would probably expect a book that explains that we can experience “Miracles” when we become awareness of love's presence. There is no doubt that "A Course In Miracles" is a book about practicing Love. If anything prevents us from being awareness of love's presence, we can say it is the ego. "A Course In Miracles" describes in detail the guilt we have based on the false belief that we are separated from God, and the ego that has always been an integral part of that guilt. It explains how it is unreliable and unworthy of following.

"A Course In Miracles" reiterates that we are beings created by God Himself by extending Himself, and that we are still one with Him. TEXT of ACIM, Chapter 7 V. 9.5.

  • 5 That is how God Himself created you; in understanding, in appreciation and in love.

In truth we are Love created by Love. Therefore, we are loved by God above all else. For us, Love is a necessity, not a luxury. Love is always with us. Love is your birthright.

"A Course In Miracles" is considered one of the so-called “Nondualism” spiritual books. In other words, God is Love and we are Love united with God. However, like most people who were not aware of this, Masato and I started practicing to return to Love by reading “A Course In Miracles” during that period.

The “ego” very cleverly leads us to guilt. The term “EGO” is sometimes said to stand for “Edging God Out.” Certainly, if we reject God, that is where guilt will take up residence. Guilt always misleads our lives.

Love is not a weakness, it is a strength. Love is capable of solving any problem. But we do not rely on Love because we are not aware of its presence. Now, let us practice leaning on Love and relaxing in Love right now! However, in TEXT, Chapter 12, IV. 1. 3-4, it says the following:

  • 3 Yet the ego, though encouraging the search for love very actively, makes one proviso; do not find it. 4 Its dictates, then, can be summed up simply as: "Seek and do not find."

Whenever we follow the ego, we lose sight of Love. To those of us who have lost sight of Love, the Loving God has given us one answer. It is the “Holy Spirit". In TEXT, Chapter 12, IV. 4. 4-5, it says the following:

  • 4 The Holy Spirit offers you another promise, and one that will lead to joy. 5 For His promise is always, "Seek and you will find," and under His guidance you cannot be defeated.

For those who continue to carry a guilty conscience to return to Love, “Forgiveness” is necessary. "Forgiveness" is the best medicine. "Forgiveness", however, is not possible for those of us who are one with the ego. The reason why the Holy Spirit is so powerful and dependable is because it knows so much about our nature. The Holy Spirit is a powerful guide to help us return to Love.

There is one thing that can be understood just from this opening curious turn of phrase in "A Course In Miracles". Apparently, Love is all-encompassing and real, but since Love is all-encompassing, the opposite of Love is not real. The opposite of Love is fear, but fear is not real. We experience fear. But that experience is, in fact, not real, according to "A Course In Miracles".

Love encompasses all. That which is not Love is not real. It is the knowledge of salvation. The concept of “sin” against Love is simply a concept, not a reality. So when we speak of “Forgiveness,” we mean something very different from what is commonly meant. The word “Forgiveness” probably goes something like this: "I have been treated badly". You may have been insulted, you may have suffered financial loss, or as my husband once experienced, you may have been beaten or kicked. When you forgive, the world says that you have the right to forgive because you are the victim. It is up to you to forgive or not to forgive. But you are not a victim because “sin” is not real, because nothing but Love is real. There is no perpetrator either. Therefore, "Forgiveness" means remembering the Love that is on the other side of the illusion of sin. It is to forget everything but Love in order to see the Love that is in yourself and the innocence that is in the person who came before you. And that is a difficult task, but God did not ask us to do it alone.

In other words, we ask the “Holy Spirit” to work for us. Please remove my fear. I want to forgive myself and experience Love. Please help me. When we pray like this and ask the “Holy Spirit” for help, help will surely come. In other words, it is a “Miracle". Therefore, a “Miracle” is something that cancels what does not exist and leads us to the realization of the reality of Love. In TEXT, Chapter 1 I. 7. 1, you will find the following:

  • 7. Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first.

We must first work on purification. We must work on "Forgiveness". To do this, we need helpers. We are, in other words, practicing to connect with a powerful helper, the Holy Spirit, every day. We practice walking with the Holy Spirit every day.

Oh, how difficult it is to attempt a simple explanation of "A Course In Miracles"! "A Course In Miracles” is a 1333-page book in three parts: ‘Text,’ ‘Workbook for Students,’ and ”Manual for Teachers"! The important thing in using Howard Wills' “The Gift of Life Prayers” is to pray innocently, not to seek to understand anything or to trust God. However, “A Course In Miracles” is a book with much to understand.

"A Course In Miracles" is essentially a self-study book. It is not a religion, so there is no Founder, no need to worship anyone. There is no need to worship Helen Schucman. I, of course, revere the narrator, Jesus Christ. But he is like a big brother to all of us, and we don't need to be in awe of him like we do of God. So, “A Course In Miracles” can be studied privately. There is no need to practice prayer under someone's watchful eye.

But I wanted to ask someone a question because I found the daily written content to be too difficult to follow. For example, about the word “Atonement”. The word “Atonement,” which appears frequently in “A Course In Miracles,” has a very different meaning from what it is understood to mean in Christianity. It is not easy to explain. My husband would send e-mails to Mr. Ohuchi on rare occasions asking about the meaning of not only “Atonement” but also some other words. At that time, Mr. Ohuchi was working on the translation of “A Course In Miracles” into Japanese, so he was very busy. It was not only “A Course In Miracles” that he was working on. So, Masato would only ask Mr. Ohuchi questions on rare occasions when he really wanted to. I was beginning to wish I could ask questions over a cup of tea and a stone-roasted sweet potato. Aha, Yukkin, you know, “Forgiveness” means this.... So, I felt that I wanted my “A Course In Miracles” learner friends around me.

Hmm? Your question is, as a graduate of Leland Stanford Junior University, am I not used to reading difficult books?

"A Course In Miracles” is so difficult that I think it may be the most difficult book in the world. For example, it took Gautama Siddhārtha six years to become enlightened and become a Buddha Śākyamuni! It is not so easy for an ordinary person to understand "A Course In Miracles".

But since you asked a good question, I answer you that it is the thought that “it is impossible for an ordinary person to be enlightened” that keeps us from enlightenment. The “Holy Spirit” is real within us, already enlightened, and knows both God and us. Therefore, there is no such thing as an unenlightened individual. It is only the ego that makes us think we are not enlightened.

On a sunny afternoon after a heavy snowfall at the end of January, I went out to ZABAR'S to buy some delicious organic vegetables. But first, it felt so good to breathe in the cool midwinter air that I decided to go to Central Park and enjoy a deep breath. I really enjoyed watching the snow glisten in the sunlight. I went out with my “MARNI” bag made of PVC material. The only thing in the bag was my “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME”! Well, what a surprise! I had only my “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME” in my bag! "A Course In Miracles” was so difficult that I would spend all day thinking about what it said and then read it again, day after day. Let's imagine me suddenly stopping and reading “A Course In Miracles” on the street! LOL. Interesting sight! LOL. And yet I was snatched from my “MARNI” bag in Central Park! I was so moved by the sunlight falling on Central Park and the snow shining by its light that I wanted to pray, so I placed my bag on the snow and began to pray. A man came running up behind me and snatched my PVC “MARNI” bag in a flash and ran away. I was so surprised that I forgot to scream. Let me repeat! The only thing in the bag was my “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME”! So, I was simply amazed.

Steal it and what would you do with it? Hmmm, as for “MARNI”, you make a bit of money...?

At that time, I saw a woman moving on the snow, which should have been difficult for anyone to walk on, with the grace and smoothness of a ninja, at the speed of light. She caught up with the thief in a flash, knocked him down with an upper roundhouse kick, and retrieved my bag. The thief himself got up and ran away in a great hurry, and she did not chase him.

She returned the "MARNI" bag to me. I immediately recognized her as being of Japanese descent, but not necessarily a woman who spoke Japanese, so I thanked her in English.

Thank you very much! However, however, this is all that is in the bag....

Oh wow, "ACIM", LOL. Lovely!

She is Japanese, Aki Sugihara, and we talked in English for a while in this fashion. I wanted to thank her in some way, so I decided to invite her to dinner. To this end, I gave my name.

I am Yukiko Shimada. I'm Japanese.

A、Nippon no kata deshitaka!(Ah, you are Japanese!)

It was then that she spoke Japanese for the first time. Thus we began to enjoy talking in Japanese. We went to “ZABAR'S” together to buy organic vegetables. She is a student of “A Course In Miracles”. Fortunately, she is a vegetarian. She is a Yoga practitioner and follows Hinduism in her diet, preferring fresh raw vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, vegetable oils, and straight juices. So inviting her to our dinner was no problem at all. Still, I was surprised that a vegetarian could do such a great upper roundhouse kick! It reminded me of my assumption that fighters love meat. Oh, how wonderful! She is a vegetarian and a student of “A Course In Miracles” and is familiar with vegetarian menus for Yoga practitioners. I would like to be taught! I thought the thief must have been an angel, on a mission to attract us together, God willing!

Masato seemed puzzled at first because I had brought a female guest with me. He still had difficulty communicating with others, preferring to spend quiet time alone or with a very limited number of close friends, such as Karsh Kale. He seemed to enjoy talking with me about the contents of "A Course In Miracles" or about Popular music, listening to fun or calming Popular music together, and sharing a meal, but he was puzzled by complete strangers. If it was a woman, he was extremely fearful and nervous. However, when I told him that Aki had retrieved my “MARNI” and that she was studying “A Course In Miracles,” he gradually relaxed, much to my relief. While I was cooking dinner in the kitchen, he was learning from Aki about a beloved form of music in Hinduism.

Now, let me give you a profile of Aki Sugihara, who has now become a great friend and comrade of mine.

Aki Sugihara was born on October 23, 1976 in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Her father runs a building contractor. She has an older brother 2 years older and a younger brother 3 years younger. Her father was an avid fan of professional wrestler Antonio Inoki, known as “Moeru Toukon (Fighting Spirit),” and she grew up watching wrestling matches on TV from a young age.

In the summer of 1982, her father took the children to see “Rocky III” because Hulk Hogan, a star wrestler belonging to the WWF, was in the film. Watching Hulk Hogan on the big screen was a powerful experience, and Aki was very excited. So, she began to want to watch movies that had a reputation for their fight scenes. In the winter of that year, she became a huge fan of Li Lianjie, the lead actor, after watching "The Shaolin Temple". She fell in love with him! Li Lianjie is the future Jet Li.

Aki's passion for martial arts was ignited. In April 1985, Aki finally began attending the Sannomiya Dojo to learn Kyokushin, a full-contact style of karate founded by Mas Oyama. Willie Williams, a Kyokushin karateka nicknamed “Bear Killer,” fought Antonio Inoki to a draw on February 27, 1980. So, Aki's father, who recognized Kyokushin's strength, was very happy that Aki was learning Kyokushin.

In April 1989, Aki entered Shukugawa Gakuin Junior and Senior High School, where she trained in the prestigious karate club. However, she was greatly perplexed by the fact that it was not a full-contact style of karate like “Kyokushin” karate.

On March 5, 1993, Aki went with her first boyfriend, a Sannomiya Dojo colleague, to watch a match sponsored by the "Fighting Network Rings" mixed martial arts organization. She watched a 30-minute one-game match between Volk Han and Andrei Kopylov, both Russian Sambo greats.

Aki was so struck by Volk Han's 8:30 minute “Ashi-Hishigi/Achilles lock” victory that she forgot that her boyfriend was sitting next to her, and decided to learn other fighting techniques besides “Striking”. Naturally, Aki quickly broke up with her boyfriend, LOL. Aki decided to move to Tokyo to do so, and decided to apply to Nippon Sport Science University (Nippon taiiku daigaku).

In 1995, shortly after losing several close friends in the city where she grew up due to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, she took the Nippon Sport Science University entrance exam as she had hoped, was accepted, and entered the Faculty of Sport Science /Department of Martial Arts.

Aki was exposed to various martial arts through classes, university club activities, and various gyms outside the university, but due to the change in her view of life and death brought about by the earthquake, she was more attracted to the Spiritual aspect of martial arts than the technical aspect. In particular, Aki's participation in the "Nittai Vale Tudo Study Group", an on-campus club established in response to Rickson Gracie's popularity, brought her an important encounter. It was there that she met and began dating her boyfriend, who was a meditation practitioner. Aki borrowed Paramahansa Yogananda's “Autobiography of a Yogi from him and read it, which was a significant turning point. This book sparked Aki's rapidly growing interest in Spirituality, and she began to gather information to learn Yoga. She found the “MAHA YOGI ASHRAM NIPPORI” by the Japanese master Svāmī Nāradānanda, and without hesitation, she joined and began practicing “Rāja Yoga".

Aki converted to vegetarianism at that time.

Aki was, at any rate, an avid practitioner of Yoga, and she began with “Bhagavad Gita,” followed by “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” “Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” “Gheranda Samhita,” “Shiva Samhita,” “Upanishads,” Adi Shankara's “Upadeśasāhasrī” and books on Ramana Maharshi, “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna” and other books on Hinduism and Yoga philosophy.

So, naturally, she quickly broke up with her boyfriend, LOL.

And just as her teacher Svāmī Nāradānanda had done in the past, Aki also began to think about practicing Yoga in India. The destination was Kolkata. Aki learned English conversation through books, CDs, and radio programs so that she would not have trouble in a foreign country, and she also joined a university club to reinforce her learning. And as for the all-important Bengali language, she learned it with her fellow students at "MAHA YOGI ASHRAM NIPPORI".

After graduating from Nippon Sport Science University in March 1999, Aki went to Kolkata, as she had hoped, to further her studies in “Advaita Vedanta”. Although she could not enter the “Ramakrishna Math” of her dreams because it was a male monastic organization, she studied with Mātā Saccidānanda Rukmiṇī, an eminent and enlightened Yogini in the lineage of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, as her Guru.

Of course, Aki did not walk all over Kolkata to find this wonderful teacher on her own; Svāmī Nāradānanda wrote her a letter of introduction.

However, in 2001, during her training in Kolkata, the September 11 attacks occurred. Aki saw a picture of Ground Zero in New York City. This coincided with the scene in Kobe right after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and Aki felt the desire to pray in New York.

Aki apologized to Guru Mātā Saccidānanda Rukmiṇī and went to the US in early 2002. Fortunately, her Guru in Japan, Svāmī Nāradānanda, had a U. S. office, MAHA YOGI ASHRAM NYC, in New York, where she continued her Yoga practice, and also found a job as a martial arts instructor through a friend. She also took on the responsibility of giving “Hatha yoga” lessons in private homes.

About six months after arriving in New York, Aki learned about “A Course In Miracles” from James “Ānanda” McNally, one of the students at "MAHA YOGI ASHRAM NYC". James “Ānanda” McNally told Aki that:

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa learned from both Christianity and Islam. He exchanged ideas with the infidels. So, we today should also learn from New Age philosophies like “A Course In Miracles”.

Aki was greatly intrigued by “A Course In Miracles,” and after listening to James “Ānanda” McNally's commentary, Aki immediately realized that it had common ground with “Advaita Vedanta". Aki immediately bought “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME". She also began attending small prayer meetings that James “Ānanda” McNally often attended. It is called the "Forgiveness Prayer Group", hosted by Reiki healer Mystic Merlin.

We enjoyed our dinner and the story of Aki. I was already eager to attend the "Forgiveness Prayer Group" hosted by Mystic Merlin.

Oh, I'm so excited! I have to go!

Masato, on the other hand, certainly got used to talking to Aki through the meal that day and seemed to like Aki's personality. However, he still hesitated to join the “Forgiveness Prayer Group” organized by Mystic Merlin. At that time, he was sometimes very bold. In the “Peace of Mind Workshop” where Hiroshi and Janet kindly welcomed us, he had the courage and boldness to share his memories of his own pain in front of many people, but basically, Masato Shiraishi preferred to spend his time alone listening to music, not interacting with strangers. Or he wanted to immerse himself in practicing Tabla or Alchemy Crystal Bowls without anyone interrupting him.

Of course, I did not force him to go to the “Forgiveness Prayer Group” organized by Mystic Merlin. Instead, I frequently invited Aki to our dinners. Or we cooked together so that she could teach me how to prepare a vegetarian menu based on Hinduism. Aki taught us "SO-HAM meditation". It is a meditation where you say “SO” in your head when you breathe in and “HAM” when you breathe out. When I go to Law of Attraction workshops, we often do guided meditations that use imagery. An example.

Close your eyes.

Breathe in slowly through your nose.

Then exhale slowly through your mouth.

Exhale fully.

Repeat this three times.

Then imagine you are entering a golden waterfall.

Wash away all of your negative thoughts, disused beliefs, and memories of pain....

This is a type of meditation in which workshop participants are guided by the words of the workshop organizer ,mentor, spiritual teacher, channeler, etc. to evoke images in their minds.

"SO-HAM Meditation” is not of that type, but of the type called ”Mantra Meditation". Rather, it is a meditation that aims to stop the active movement of the mind by repeating in the mind a “Mantra,” a word whose meaning is not very clear, without evoking any images. We enjoy the stillness of the present moment. Aki also taught us some basic yogic “āsana/poses” such as “Matsyendrasana” and “Ustrasana”. They are preparatory exercises for meditation. Or she taught us some of the yogic breathing exercises called “prāṇāyāma”. Those techniques that Aki taught us energized Masato and me. I could feel Masato getting better. Aki also had a number of Indian classical music CDs, which she lent to Masato. Masato, of course, was overjoyed and listened to them! And of course she answered many of our questions about "A Course In Miracles". She also taught us a lot about Hinduism. I also read “Bhagavad Gita”. Through these repeated interactions, Masato and I became very close to Aki.

However, as for the "Forgiveness Prayer Group", I was the only one who attended. The guided meditation taught by Mystic Merlin at the beginning of each session is something I still do every morning, along with “Alpha Meditation” and “Infinite Breathing,” which I learned at the “Pease of Mind Workshop” with Mr. Ohuchi and Janet. The meditation Mystic Merlin taught me was to imagine a tube of light coming from the center of the Universe to my head, running down my spine to the center of the Earth, and using that tube to let all of my memories, records, thoughts, beliefs, whatever, flow down to the Earth.

Let it all go.

Let it all go.

The Earth is willing to let go of everything that no longer supports you because it receives you with Unconditional Love.

Don't worry.

You may let go of everything, but only Love will remain within you.

Unconditional Love is total support.

You will not have to worry about a single thing.

Unconditional Love will take care of you….

I was glad to hear that only “Love” remains. I cried the first time I did this meditation and when Mystic Merlin said this. There was a rival company that went out of business because of my plan, which I will tell you about later. That was how the notoriety of “Tsuji-Giri OYUKI” began to circulate. I would sometimes remember this in the middle of the night, and I would feel like my heart was going to collapse and I would not be able to breathe. I let go of those memories and thought how good it would be if only “Love” remained inside me. "A Course In Miracles” had started for Masato to heal his cancer, but I realized that there were many parts of myself waiting to be healed as well, and I was very grateful that Aki had brought me to the "Forgiveness Prayer Group".

After the first “Forgiveness Prayer Group” meeting I attended, we were all enjoying a cup of tea. Manuela Elefanntini, an Italian-American woman, asked Mystic Merlin for a Reiki healing.

I have stiff shoulders, Mystic Merlin, please.

Reiki healing is the most famous form of “palm healing/hands-on healing” in the world. It involves touching the client's body and adjusting the client's life energy. It can be done by touching his/her body directly or remotely.

Mystic Merlin began to perform a Reiki healing on Manuela in front of everyone. She mumbled something and wrote something on her left palm with her right index finger.

Mystic Merlin then put her hands above Manuela's chest, who was lying on the bed. Mystic Merlin said the following to me while doing the Reiki healing.

You are Japanese, so you understand. Reiki healing originated in Japan. It is the energy that the Universe gave to Master Mikao Usui when he was enlightened at Kuramadera Temple in Kyoto, blessing him. It spread around the world and was shared with us.

I was astonished because I had just visited Kuramadera Temple in Kyoto. Reiki healing was born at Kuramadera? I became intensely interested in Reiki healing. So, I asked for Reiki healing. I requested a Reiki healing through a formal procedure, so my session was three days later at 2 pm. Over the course of an hour, I received Reiki healing from Mystic Merlin. She first wrapped my head in her palms. However, it was around the toes of my feet that I felt a reaction. There was no heat, but a strange sensation as if hot water was boiling and bubbling in my feet. Interesting! I was excited. You're having fun. Mystic Merlin told me.

You want to be a Reiki healer. Don't you? Am I right?

That's right. I want to be a Reiki healer.

For example, in TEXT Chapter 7 of "A Course In Miracles", “THE GIFTS OF THE KINGDOM V. Healing and the Changelessness of Mind,” it says:

  • 3. Healing is the one ability everyone can develop and must develop if he is to be healed.

However, I don't think that "A Course In Miracles" is talking about “healing” in the sense of “palm healing/hands-on healing” energy adjustment, but rather about changing the way we see things/the world. But I was intensely attracted to Reiki healing.

Mystic Merlin brought her palms, which were wrapped around my head, to the sky above my chest. My body temperature came up. Very clearly, I sensed that there was a “something” enveloping both of us, Mystic Merlin and me. I felt as if I was being enveloped by that “something” and that I was being united with Mystic Merlin. That “something” is what we call “Ki” or “Aura,” or “Bio-Energy,” or “Vibrational Energy,” or “Light". I felt very happy. I don't know why I feel happy, but I know that I am happy. One thing to note is that there are many different reactions that Reiki healing can bring. That is to say, the reaction that happened to me at that time was such a reaction. In some cases, you may not feel any reaction. But it does not mean that the vibrational energies were not adjusted at all.

Well, I asked Mystic Merlin. Can I become a Reiki healer too? The answer was “anyone can". The week after that session, I underwent an "Attunement" ceremony, the first of three Reiki Healer levels. Attunement is where you learn about the philosophy of Reiki Healing from the founder, Master Mikao Usui.

< Five Reiki Precents >

The secret art of inviting happiness,

The miraculous medicine for all diseases.

At least for today:

Do not be angry,

Do not worry,

Be grateful,

Work with diligence,

Be kind to people.

Every morning and evening, join your hands in meditation and pray with your heart.

State in your mind and chant with your mouth.

For improvement of mind and body.

Usui Reiki Ryōhō.

The founder, Mikao Usui.

The founder of Reiki Healing, Master Mikao Usui

These are the words of Master Mikao Usui.

We are then given mantras and symbols to perform Reiki healing. Before healing Manuela Elefanntini, Mystic Merlin muttered a mantra and wrote a symbol on her left palm. Then Mystic Merlin transmitted the first level of Reiki healing energy to me. Thus I became a Reiki healer having learned the first level of Reiki healing.

Then after a period of 21 days of self-healing, a few more days passed and in March I received the second level of "Attunement". Then in the summer of that year, I received the higher level “Attunement” of “Master Healer”. Thus I became a "Master Reiki Healer".

By the way, in the second stage, there is the transmission of mantra and symbol for distant healing. In other words, a Reiki healer who has learned the second stage will be able to heal a distant person without touching him or her directly. On the night of the second stage of "Attunement", after dinner, I asked Masato if he would like me to do a distance healing for him. Reiki healing, of course, but no healing can be done against the “Free Will” of the individual. Even Jesus Christ is not permitted to do that in the Divine Order. We are told that the greatest gift God has given us is "Free Will". It is to be respected, so we healers always ask for permission to do the healing.

I can do healing without touching you, so don't be afraid. Won't you try it?

Masato's reply was surprising.

I'm sitting down, so could you do the healing with your palms on my shoulders?

I was surprised! Huh? Can I touch you?

Masato nodded and then said.

Wouldn't it be easier for you if you put your palms on my shoulder? If it's my shoulder, it's fine. I'm not afraid.

I understood that he was beginning to open his Heart to me.

We have been praying for a long time. There are many prayers in "A Course In Miracles". We prayed using them. And most of all, we have prayed using “The Gift of Life Prayers” by Howard Wills. I don't think we had a great understanding of "Forgiveness", but we had fun encouraging each other to pray. Mr. Ohuchi and Janet occasionally sent us emails to encourage us. It was a very growing experience for us.

I put my palms on both of his shoulders. I thought back to when we first met at the "TAO Shiatsu/Acupressure workshop". You and I are one. I healed him with the thought, “You and I are one,” just as he treated me with that thought.

Then that very “Light” that enveloped Mystic Merlin and me arrived to us. I was happy to feel united with him. To be honest, in those moments, I am not thinking about anything. It is as if my body is floating in the air. And I no longer feel trapped in anything, I feel free and expansive. I love healing because it makes me feel good.

But what about Masato? He spoke. It's kind of a strange feeling, like I'm wrapped in something. Like my body is expanding....

Ah, so he too is aware of the reality of the Cosmic Energy that surrounds us! I became happy. And then I realized something. In fact, as we began our prayer life with Howard Wills' “The Gift of Life Prayers,” I asked him. Just as Howard Wills asked Roger, at the “Hotel Mt. Fuji”, I asked Masato how long he wanted to take to heal completely. Roger replied to Howard Wills, “30 days". And Roger's cancer was gone in 30 days. Masato, on the other hand, answered, “Six months". I asked him why he wanted to spend six months. I thought that Masato, like Roger, should have been allowed to say “30 days". Then we came back to New York to learn of C. J. Raymond's passing, and Masato came back with a copy of his “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME”.

Masato said while holding C. J. Raymond's “A COURSE IN MIRACLES COMBINED VOLUME”.

If I had six months, I would be able to read through at least the Text of "A Course In Miracles".

That “six months” was about to pass. Masato finished reading the Text of “A Course In Miracles” at our home while I was undergoing the second stage of Reiki healingAttunement” at Mystic Merlin's healing salon.

I knew I had to take Masato to the doctor. Obviously he was different from when he first met me the previous fall. Clearly he seemed to be in better health than before. And I did not feel that pain I felt when I touched his back in the “TAO Shiatsu/Acupressure workshop". I did not feel the “Hibiki” that is taught in the first stage of "Attunement" in Reiki healing. "Hibiki” is the sensation of disharmony in the Vibrational Energies, which the Reiki healer senses and intuitively knows where to place his or her palms on the client's body.

Masato, let's go see a doctor! My stomach does not ache even though I have not touched your body in a long time. I don't feel the pain of that day. Because you are surely completely healed!

Masato Shiraishi was not a sick person by anyone's standards. But because he had not been examined by a doctor, neither he nor I were aware of the current status of his cancer. He needed to go to the hospital and undergo a thorough examination ASAP.


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