There is lots of noise about the mango stalls occupying the recently done footpath from JC Nagar entrance to DD Kendra Jayamahal Road. Thoughts?
The mangoes all look delicious and abundant. But they are coming at the cost of a footpath for pedestrians on a very busy road. It all got newly done! It is a safety issue too, no?
I have brought this up with many authorities in the hope that they will make some changes. What we need is a service road that takes vehicles off the main road. Vendors can be given a space to sell along that service road. That will free up the footpaths (meant for pedestrians !), vehicular movement.
Gauri Acharyapro
Commented 16 May, 2024
I have brought this up with many authorities in the hope that they will make some changes. What we need is a service road that takes vehicles off the main road. Vendors can be given a space to sell along that service road. That will free up the footpaths (meant for pedestrians !), vehicular movement.