Traveler's Mind
CP WorldviewArticle12 Oct, 2023

Traveler's Mind

Embracing the Traveler's Mind for a life of adventure.

Living on Earth, a planet in the Universe, is filled with choices.

Thoughts about what we want our life to be or thoughts about what it shouldn’t be.

This is the source of pain and suffering because this kind of thinking is governed by fear.

Fear of what might happen to you, to others, to the world, that you cannot, will never be able to, control.

This kind of fear is an illusion and, worst of all, it takes the focus of our mind off seeking our truth, our authentic self.

We have moments where we understand this authentic self, where we are filled with who we were at birth and what it means to exist here on Earth.

Life seems both long and short, which is absolutely true, even if time is a human made concept.

That begs the question, what to do with this long and short life?

Live it as an adventure, a journey, comes to mind, even if we don’t actually go anywhere.

Cultivate a Traveler’s Mind!

A Traveler’s Mind is filled with wonder, joy and a zeal for understanding what being here, on Earth, at this point in history, has in store for us.

A Traveler’s Mind is free of conditioning, judgment and fear.

A Traveler’s Mind is engaged in a calm focus on what is now while being open to what is next.

A Traveler’s Mind embraces the adventurous journey of existence, fearlessly bringing our authentic self to every aspect of existence.

A Traveler’s Mind takes us back to our very beginning where we understood that each moment contained beauty, excitement and love.

A Traveler’s Mind connects with others with a Traveler’s Mind to co-create so that the world will one day be filled with billions of Traveler’s Minds.

The adventure awaits, even where you stand.


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