Coflora KitchensOpinion05 Oct, 2021


When I was sleeping I would dream about them.

They were terrible, huge wall-like things.

When I would see one on the horizon, I knew, death was imminent.

And I also knew, I had no choice but to get on the board and ride.

There was no other option. If I didn't ride the wave, I knew "bad shit happened".

The terror felt so real. But I didn't have even a second to care. I just had to cram down the fear and go.

I tell myself now that I was brave.

But brave and stupid sometimes get too close. And it's so hard to break up best buds, especially when dreaming.

And cram isn't a word but it is now ingrained.

Don't think, cram and go, especially when you are scared.

So here I am.

Taking breaths.

And wishing I had a board.

And a wetsuit.

And jam, but only because jam is yummy.

And no added sugar is the bomb!!

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Commented 05 Oct, 2021

jam is definitely yummy

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