For those of you who are new to, allow me to explain what Althealth,me is all about. is the only social Platform & Marketplace in the world that focuses on people suffering from chronic illnesses, they support each other while looking for reliable solutions and treatments to the burdens they have to live with.
From every Chronic illness, somebody raises up as a champion, a person with an unbreakable determination to be of value to society.
These champions normally share a passion for helping others, they are well educated in their fields, relentless when comes to speaking about their particular illness, and, above all, they wish others like them to get better.
I have the pleasure to introduce today a woman who does not only ticks all those boxes but has certainly what it takes to go the extra mile just to help others like her.
Welcome, Katie Rudman as the MOLD CHANNEL CHAMPION.
Katherine Rudman is an Institute of Integrative Nutrition Certified Holistic Health Coach specializing in mold illness. Having experienced her own 7-year journey with chronic illness, Katherine is passionate about spreading awareness about the role mold can play in a wide range of chronic health conditions. She works with clients who have been diagnosed with mold illness, or who suspect mold might be involved in their chronic conditions, providing them with the resources, guidance, and emotional support they need to begin to recover their health.
JB - Katie, please allow us to understand where this interest in mold comes from.
KR - My interest in MOLD was sparked by my own illness. I was mysteriously ill for almost 7 years, and no conventional doctor could tell me what was happening to me. A colleague of mine who had been diagnosed with mold illness encouraged me to get tested, so I found a Functional Medicine Practitioner who ordered a Great Plains Laboratory Mycotoxin test for me. Much to my surprise, it came back positive, showing high levels of mycotoxins in my body from Aspergillus and Penicillium. It was shocking to me that for years I had been poisoned by something I could not see or smell. It was completely invisible, yet it was at the root of all of my dysfunction.
JB - Learning about your condition had to be a scary experience, what happened next?
KT - Getting a diagnosis was just the beginning of my journey, as people in the chronic illness community know all too well. As I began to research my condition, I became fascinated by how many chronic illnesses mold can be involved in. My mission now is to be a resource for others who are suffering from mold-related illnesses and help make their recovery more easeful than the average mold patient. Right now, it’s not easy for people to get the information and help they need. I want to have a role in changing that.
JB - Why do you think people should care about MOLD?
KT - Everyone should care about mold. In a world where chronic illness is exploding, many people would be shocked to learn how their health is being influenced by the “sick” buildings they inhabit. If you go to work in a water-damaged building, and you go home and sleep in a water-damaged space, you are constantly being exposed not only to mycotoxins, but also to the other biological contaminants that grow alongside mold, many of which we still cannot test for. Just as it’s important to make sure the water you drink is free of contaminants, we must be vigilant about the quality of the air in our homes. I didn’t consider even for a moment that mold was involved in my illness. At the time, black mold was the only mold I knew to be harmful to human health. Mold illness wasn’t something I ever heard anyone talking about, no doctor ever mentioned it to me, and it just seemed unlikely that it was playing a role in my disease. I am not alone in this. Many people who are dealing with mold illness are completely unaware of the true source of the deterioration of their health. Mold is a great mimic. It can be involved in anything from cancer to Multiple Sclerosis to Hashimoto’s to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to food sensitivities. If you have a chronic condition and you are not getting traction with standard treatment, talk to your doctor about mold.
JB - What are your plans as the CHAMPION for the MOLD CHANNEL?
KR - My intention for the Mold Channel is to create a space online where people who are navigating mold illness can find community, support, resources, and products and services that can help improve their quality of life. My vision is to create a comprehensive list of reputable inspection and remediation companies and mold-literate healthcare providers across the United States. It takes a great deal of time and energy to educate yourself about treatment options, and the treatments can be wildly expensive. My intention is to have the Mold Channel on be a source of quality, curated information that people can depend upon. When I was first diagnosed, I spent hundreds of hours researching my condition and thousands of dollars trying products and services that did little for me. I wish I’d had someone to direct and guide me at the beginning of my healing journey, and I’m honored to help create that support for others now. The return of my health feels nothing short of miraculous, and it’s my deepest joy to devote my time and energy to helping others emerge from this agonizing illness.
JB - What could you say to people who are struggling with MOLD disease, or even worst, what could you say to people who are suffering without knowing what is wrong with them?
KR - People with mold illness have usually tried everything under the sun to regain their health. They often have so many symptoms in different body systems that they either collect diagnoses, or they get no diagnosis at all and are told by doctors that their symptoms are psychosomatic. Their symptoms are often migratory and inconsistent, another factor that causes doctors to become suspicious of their validity. If you’re reading this, and you have been suffering for years without hope, I want you to know that healing is possible. Trust your intuition. No one knows your body as you do. If you feel that something is wrong, you’re right. To the best of your ability, become a fierce advocate for yourself. You will face many roadblocks on your way to recovery, but you must keep believing in yourself. This illness will change and deepen you, and recovery will necessitate great compassion for yourself. If you’ve been dealing with this illness, you have already come so far, and I know it’s taken incredible strength to keep going. A better quality of life is possible for you. Please don’t give up.
Thank you so much for your time Katie, I am happy to see you lead the MOLD CHANNEL and support all its community.