CharactersUpdate09 Aug, 2023

Johnny ain’t playin’ this morning?

Shut up, will ya’?

I’m talking to my guitar again. Dude is always wanting me to play.

I did my time, ya know? 45 years earns me the right to play when I want to play and this morning, I just want a nice up of joe and to listen to the surf.

Chair’s set up on the beach, French press is just finishing the brew, pour that dark elixir into my mug and I’ll mosey out of my Westfalia.

Some people think they live the good life and would consider me to have next to nothing, but they’d be wrong.

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Commented 09 Sep, 2023

Hope you enjoy that cup of joe on the beach, but we all know you can't stop playing. Music runs through your blood and soon enough your ol' guitar will call out and you'll relent and start strumming. Hope I'm there to hear it.

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