8 Things that happen when you start doing Yoga
YogaArticle17 Apr, 2023

8 Things that happen when you start doing Yoga

Are you considering doing yoga? or maybe you are eye rolling me because you are tired of hearing about yoga. Either way you’re here for some reason haha, you must be curious about the benefits of yoga.

You may be thinking some of these are obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people have pre determined thoughts on yoga that stop them from giving it a shot. Which brings me to my first point!


I don’t know how many people I’ve seen/heard say that they can’t do yoga because they are not flexible enough. GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT! Sorry for yelling, but you get flexible by working on it. Yoga is amazing for stretching and gaining flexibility. That was the main reason I started doing yoga! It’s amazing what stretching can do for stress!


Another obvious, but again many people don’t consider yoga to be a super strengthening type of workout, until they actually try it. So many people have mentioned, especially men who try it for the first time, how hard it actually was. Yoga is more than just stretching and flexibility. Just because you are mainly using your bodyweight to strengthen muscles, definitely doesn’t discredit yoga in terms of gaining strength.

A sense of peace

For many people, a yoga workout can bring about a sense of peace. It allows you to get out of your head and focus on you and your body. I personally feel it has a lot to do with the breath, and how you sequence it with your poses. The breath, or pranayama, is what calms the mind and body. When combined with stress relieving yoga poses,it’s a great recipe for a sense of peace and calmness.

Wanderly Blog

8 Things that happen when you start doing Yoga

Are you considering doing yoga? or maybe you are eye rolling me because you are tired of hearing about yoga. Either way you’re here for some reason...

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