OTEL UniverseUpdate04 Apr, 2024

Announcement! VOTE for Trevor & Eileen for USA Promoter of the Year!

Trevor and Eileen are excited to be nominated for USA Promoter of the Year for the 2024 International Singer Songwriter Association Awards.

You can go to their website page, https://www.oteluniverse.com/exclusive-offers-for-musicians?fbclid=IwAR2azozBKmMjGS-vMaq0jyg5jPy7Q64BlF9qdA1UmZ74CYAwQA7rkmI1Q3M_aem_AZSZSgwqfDZkjS7jOE24a2Vsw4e1kWIPNA6WHc5Zc2-qUDotAhVQlz93uCoGCJRiiO4wSyJwvJkw2y9uZ8pSDGPI, scroll down to the information about voting. Click on, Trevor & Eileen - The Best. This takes you to the voting page, click on USA VOTE Here button.

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Trevor & Eileen

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