OTEL UniverseUpdate10 Apr, 2024

Robert Walker aka Vibe, Makes Music That Moves You!

Trevor and I have been involved in the music community together since 2010. We officially created Ordinary to Extraordinary Life in 2014 and launched our video production DBA, OTELproductions.

For over 8 years we filmed bands and artists weekly at various venues in Jacksonville, Florida. They included Harmonious Monks and Dee's Music Bar & Grill.

One of our favorite local solo artist (one man band), VIBE, has been interviewed by another long-time friend Michael Kaufmann.

You will want to check it out!!


#Music #indiemusic #indieartists #VIBE #OTELUniverse #trevorbild #eileenbild #michaelkaufmann #FirstCoastLife #musicthatmovesyou #jacksonvillefl #musicscene #interview

Source: Eileen Bild, OTEL Universe www.oteluniverse.com

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